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Innovative decentralized HRV solution designed for efficient ventilation of offices and shared spaces with a capacity up to 10 people.

ufficio con tante persone in movimento
VMC Helty Flow400 soffitto
Flow400 steel installazione orizzontale
Flow400 steel installazione verticale
VMC Helty Flow400 soffitto
Flow400 steel installazione orizzontale
Flow400 steel installazione verticale

The innovation of HRV Community, for offices and shared spaces

The Helty Community HRV line expands with the addition of Flow400, the innovative solution designed for the efficient ventilation of offices and shared spaces for up to 10 people. Compact and versatile, Flow400 ensures filtered and fresh air at all times with its advanced filtration system consisting of ePM1 80% filters that stop up to 80% of sub-micron particulate matter.

Montaggio installazione Ceiling-mounted or wall-mounted installation
Filtrazione aria Filter ePM1 80% for healthy air all the time
Silenziosa 22dB at top speed
Recupero calore 92% max heat recovery

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The new Flow400 Helty is the ideal solution for ventilation of offices and workspaces with up to 10 occupants. An HRV that provides fresh and pure air at all times, ensuring efficiency and energy savings with an enthalpy heat exchanger that guarantees up to 92% heat recovery.

The ideal solution for healthy air in shared spaces

New Flow400 Helty ensures the highest standards of indoor air healthiness using powerful ePM1 80% filters that stop up to 80% of particulates smaller than one micron, as well as preventing dust, smog, spores, pollen and dust mites from entering from outside. The Coarse 80% filter also provides protection against the entry of impurities into the unit, preserving the heat exchanger and safeguarding its functionality over time.

ufficio con persone in movimento e piante
Helty VMC Flow 120 e C120

High thermal comfort and energy saving

Equipped with an enthalpy exchanger with double cross-flow countercurrent, Flow400 allows a maximum heat recovery of 92%. The HRV unit can be configured to variable airflow rates, from 80 to 400 m³/h, to meet different ventilation requirements, according to actual needs. In Night mode, for instance, the display lights are switched off and speed is minimized to save energy.

Efficient, quiet and easy to install

With a sound pressure level of just 35 dB(A) at design flow, Flow400 is the ideal solution for applications in professional environments that require special attention to acoustic comfort, such as offices, medical surgeries and common rooms. Available in the Steel version, with a steel cover ready for visible installation, Flow400 is perfect for retrofitting existing buildings. It is easy to install because it can be positioned on the wall (vertically) or on the ceiling (horizontally) with just two 200mm coring holes.

helty flow 400 steel prodotto

Technical data

Facade noise abatement Dn,e,w m3/h 80/130/180/250/320/400
Facade noise abatement Dn,e,w   night + 4 stages + hypervent.
Facade noise abatement Dn,e,w W 16/21/30/49/73/120
Facade noise abatement Dn,e,w V AC 230
Facade noise abatement Dn,e,w (1) A 0.6
Facade noise abatement Dn,e,w kg 44
Facade noise abatement Dn,e,w mm 1436 x 222 x 602 (2)
Facade noise abatement Dn,e,w   enthalpy cross-flow
Facade noise abatement Dn,e,w   92
Facade noise abatement Dn,e,w (3) dB(A) 22/25/2935/39/45 (4)
Facade noise abatement Dn,e,w   ePM1 80% / Coarse 80%
Facade noise abatement Dn,e,w   A+ / A / E
SEC (5) kWh/m2a -76.0 / -40.0 / -16.7
Facade noise abatement Dn,e,w   light on panel + WebApp
1. With 230 V AC supply voltage2. (W x H x D)3. Measured 1 m below the unit, corrected with background noise and reverberation times4. Measured 1 m below the unit5. According to Regulation (EU) No. 1253/2014
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Frequently asked questions

Mechanical ventilation allows for a continuous and sufficient replacement of the air volumes in enclosed spaces through stale air extraction and fresh air intake. This helps to reduce the presence of viral bioaerosols that might otherwise remain suspended in the air and spread by air.

Natural ventilation through manual window opening is impractical, difficult to manage and energy-consuming. A mechanical ventilation system allows you to fully automate stale air removal and fresh air intake, delivering continuous indoor air purification and greater energy efficiency.

Indoor air quality levels can be assessed and monitored by looking at parameters such as CO2 (carbon dioxide) and VOC (volatile organic compounds).

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