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CO2 monitor sensor

The optional CO2 Monitor sensor allows specific monitoring of humidity, indoor temperature and carbon dioxide parameters. In conjunction with the Helty Home App, it allows you to program customized scenarios and have all values at your fingertips at all times.

sensore co2 helty
sensore co2 helty fronte lato sinistro
sensore co2 helty fronte lato destro
sensore co2 retro
sensore co2 helty fronte lato sinistro
sensore co2 helty fronte lato destro
sensore co2 retro

Humidity and CO2 always under control

Helty’s innovative CO2 monitor sensor integrates seamlessly with compatible ventilation units, providing the specific and timely monitoring of indoor humidity, temperature and carbon dioxide values in confined spaces. An indispensable tool for ensuring indoor salubrity and comfort. With the combined action with HRV, the air exchange adapts to the detected parameters, bringing the ventilation effectiveness to the next level.

helty-sito-icone-2025 Can be managed using Helty Home app
helty-sito-icone-2025 Humidity monitoring
helty-sito-icone-2025 Customized scenarios
helty-sito-icone-2025 Data history on the app

Price upon request

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