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FlowULTRA-R is the decentralized, wall-mounted HRV ideal for containing radon risk in home environments, such as basements, cellars and open spaces. It is easy to install and can controlled remotely using the app.

flow ultra r
helty flow ultra vmc parete
Flow ULTRA Helty, macchina vmc
Helty Flow Ultra vmc parete
helty flow ultra vmc parete
Flow ULTRA Helty, macchina vmc
Helty Flow Ultra vmc parete

The HRV that counteracts radon, ensuring comfort and well-being

Ideal for wall-mounted retrofit applications in residential settings, the Helty FlowULTRA-R HRV provides air exchange performance up to 120m3/h, acting effectively in radon gas risk mitigation. Equipped with a white painted ABS cover, the unit blends harmoniously into any environment, for remote management using the new Helty Home App.

helty-sito-icone-2025 Mitigates the radon risk
Recupero calore 88% heat recovery efficiency
Ventilazione - Portata aria 120 m3/h maximum airflow rate
Silenziosa 19.5 dB sound pressure

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HRV system perfect for basements and cellars, using the special kit

With adjustable airflow rates from 15 to 120m3/h, FlowULTRA-R ensures air that is always fresh and pure, through the action of ePM2.5 65% + Coarse 60% filters that prevent smog, pollen, allergens, spores and particulates from entering. With the optional pipe kit, FlowULTRA-R is a perfect solution for application in basements and cellars which are typically subject to higher radon concentrations.

seminterrato ventilazione meccanica contro radon
app helty home 2025

Control through the app and customized scenarios

The new Helty Flow-R HRV systems can be paired with the Radon Monitor occupancy sensor and the Helty Home app with remote control functions for creating customized operating scenarios. The scenarios can be set based on detected gas concentration and the actual use of the rooms.

Technical data and product datasheet

Do you want to know all the technical specifications of FlowULTRA-R? Click on the link below and view the data and product datasheet:

>> go to FlowULTRA technical data


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Certified quality and performance

The performance of the Helty ventilation systems are recognized by the Casa Clima Quality Seal and have obtained the SIMA and BioSafe validations

  • CasaClima_VMC_Prodotto_Qualita
  • Biosafe.it Certification

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