Logo Helty blu

Reserved Area for Partners


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    Concession of Helty logo and communication materials Helty srl Unipersonale (hereafter Helty) grants the undersigned partner the right to use the images, texts and videos supplied by Helty itself and relating to its products and company, also in accordance with articles 10 and 320 of the Civil Code and articles 96 and 97 of law no. 633 of 22.4.1941, the Copyright Law, and to publish and diffuse its images on its website, in printed media and/or any other means of diffusion. In particular, Helty grants the subscribing partner the right to use its logo. The right to use the provided material is granted for the duration of the cooperation relationship between Helty and the subscribing partner, unless otherwise specifically agreed. This right does not apply to materials not provided by Helty, even if related to the company, which the company has come into possession of through other sources. The subscribing partner undertakes to use the material provided solely and exclusively in connection with the Helty company and in association with the Helty name or logo. The material shall be reproduced as supplied, no transformations or modifications are permitted. The partner undertakes to use the material provided in accordance with Helty's graphic regulations and not to make any use of such material which may be detrimental to Helty's image. Any use of the above material must however be approved in advance by Helty's Marketing Department